Do you know about E-Learning?
E-learning is the use of electronic educational technology in learning and teaching. E-learning is a way to make long distance learning via internet between teacher and students or students and students. Hartley said that e-learning as a way of teaching and learning which enables it to deliver the materials to the students by using the internet, intranet, or other computer networking media.
Why we use E-Learning?
These are the reason why we must use e-learning, as follows:
E-learning is the use of electronic educational technology in learning and teaching. E-learning is a way to make long distance learning via internet between teacher and students or students and students. Hartley said that e-learning as a way of teaching and learning which enables it to deliver the materials to the students by using the internet, intranet, or other computer networking media.
Why we use E-Learning?
These are the reason why we must use e-learning, as follows:
- Scalable, Efficient and Fast
- Capacity and consistency
- Higher Learning Retention than traditional learning
- Using e-learning saves you time and money
- Measuring learning activity and proving return on investment
- Reduce your carbon footprint
- Flexibility and finding hard to reach people